The Idea Mag - Issue 5 - February 27th, 2005 - Front Page


Fries With That?

Bush Tapes
As George W. Bush sought the presidency back in the years proceeding 2000 he often talked and confided in a friend, Doug Wead. Unfortunately this “friend” wasn't such a good one. He would tape private conversations with Mr. Bush regularly. He claims that he knew Mr. Bush would be a great leader and one day these tapes would be a gift to history.

I would imagine most people in politics would lose their political life if their private conversations were made public. Interestingly enough, it seems that the man who sits in the Oval Office is the same guy who was being privately taped during his campaign time. It appears that he held his standards and beliefs through a race where most people sell them for a vote. And all this time I thought Dan Rather knew what he was talking about.

Although it would be hard to misconstrue these tapes and use them to hurt our President, our dear liberal friends are trying. During the tapes Mr. Bush tells Wead that he did drugs, and that he wouldn't answer any questions asking him if he did. Why? “I don't want some little kid doing what I tried.”

The news media is telling us President Bush lied about doing marijuana. I'm confused. In the election campaign Bush refused to answer any questions about him taking drugs. This is lying? ~sigh~ Liberal media, if you stop looking for conspiracies you would actually have time to report the news.

By the way, UFOs do not classify as news. Anybody find it ironic Peter Jennings is the one to do a special on aliens?

6th Graders
Private Rob Jacobs, serving in Korea, was happy to receive letters from school kids last week. He soon became shocked as he read through them. The majority of letters contained phrases like, “Have you seen how many civilians you or some other soldier killed?” and “By the way, when you shoot someone, is it great or horrible?”

Thankfully, Private Jacobs complained about the letters, and supposedly got an apology from the schoolteacher. New York mayor Michael Bloomberg says, "We have freedom of speech and you certainly cannot go around censoring what people want to write.” That's true Mike, I agree 100%. But that means Private Jacobs and all the other Americans who this offended are also allowed to have a voice.

Ten Commandments
A homeless man in Austin is suing the state of Texas. He wants them to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the capitol grounds. Thomas Van Orden says it's not that he's an atheist, he just not religious.

Orden says he's suing to “uphold” the First Amendment. Uh, excuse me Mr. Ordern, but where do you interpret the Amendment to disallow the state from having that monument. If you actually read the First Amendment you'd see how wrong you are.

Flat Tax?
This past week President Bush has been visiting Europe. At the beginning of one of the press conferences Mr. Bush said, “the President [Mikulas Dzurinda] put a flat tax in place; he simplified his tax code, which has helped to attract capital and create economic vitality and growth. I really congratulate you and your government for making wise decisions.”

Could this be a glimpse at a future American policy?

Philly Five
Thursday, February 17th, all charges were dropped against the Philly Five. Yes, even the 17 year old girl. After watching the video footage of the arrests, Judge Dembe found no basis for the charges brought against them. Seeing the videos, I also came to the same conclusion. Go figure.

President, Lee Summers, made a comment that men are innately better at Math and Science then women. Then he encouraged debate and scientific proof. All he's gotten are complaints and name calling.

Personally I don't see what's wrong with his comment. I mean, no one's can argue that men and women are different. And statistics show men better at Math and Science. That doesn't mean all men are. And that doesn't mean all women aren't. But for some reason people got “offended.”

I get offended when males are consistently torn down because of the feminist movement. They gave up proving “men and women are equal.” Now their agenda is women are better than men because obviously all men are chauvinist pigs.