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The Idea Mag - Issue 12 - June 5th, 2005 - Front Page


The Koran Holocaust

Yeah, I know, the ruthless Americans are at it again. The same people that brought you the Abu-Gharib holocaust have now committed the unthinkable. Someone urinated on a Koran. Yes, that is right folks – we are now infidels. Oh wait, we already were. That is what confuses me most about certain people in other countries and even many in our own. Are not infidels supposed to do things like this? I mean, if you hate the US, you burn our flag. If you hate Christians, you burn the cross (or become a federal judge). Oh but these are different people – people that are peaceful until someone upsets them, and then they start killing each other out of anger. Now that is rational. Especially when it turns out to be a false story – I mean, what do you tell the family? Sorry your uncle died but the story was false.

However, we are Americans, and we love our independent investigations. They always provide jobs for journalists and other people who love to prey on scandals. Moreover, we found something – someone did desecrate a Koran or two. Therefore, the killing was not in vain! While not as wild as the story that Newsweek broke, if you search hard enough, you can always find something wrong.

I am a Christian, and Christians are no strangers to persecution – just visit a University or Public School. I do not like when people wear t-shirts with religious slurs against my God or the Lord Jesus Christ. However, I have never considered going postal after having seen one of those shirts. In fact, I have a new proposition: Every time someone uses God’s name in vain (you have never heard that, have you?), I will go out and kill five of my fellow citizens.

However, I digress. In all seriousness, it is not proper to desecrate openly other religions because we want answers out of people – it is not tolerant. Therefore, we will do what America always does, and that is we will fix the problem. We will attempt to make this wrong a right. We will make arrests, reprimand and even change leadership to make sure everyone know we are serious about being nice. That is what Americans do – and that is why people hate us. We do not have to listen to anyone, we can do what we want, and laugh in their face. Nevertheless, we do not. Why? Because not being nice is an impeachable offense.

I want to know why others can burn our flag, and the rest of the world watches and says, “You deserve it.” However, we urinate on two Korans, and we should impeach our president – as if he was personally involved and did it in the oval office. As if he inherited a sacred oval office. R.J. Rummel of Hawaii University said it best in my opinion:

“It is a compliment to the United States that our enemies and friends expect more of us, that they hold us to a high democratic standard. And it is a complement that our own journalists, politicians, and commentators also hold us to a higher standard than the thugs. They all implicitly, if not explicitly, recognize the United States for what it is. A country devoted to the rights of its citizens and those of the people of the world, and their freedom. This is indeed a complement of the first order, unknowingly bestowed on us even by our mortal enemies.”

I am proud to be an American – Aren’t you?