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The Idea Mag - Issue 12 - June 5th, 2005 - Front Page


Fries With That?

Deep Throat
One of the best kept secrets in the political realm has been revealed. Assuming you believe a 91 year old man who's going senile and says he's doing it because his family is in financial troubles and he hopes the popularity will result in some cash.

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were the two news reporters that broke the Watergate scandal back in the 70's. Their main source, Deep Throat, revealed himself in an interview with Vanity Fair last week. Mark Felt was the Deputy Director during the Nixon administration. It appears he shared the information with the reporters because of a dislike he had for Nixon.

Woodward thinks now would be a good time to release his new book. No kidding.

Nightline has once again decided to “honor” the men and women who have died in Iraq. I'm not quite sure how reading their names off a list honors them though. This quote from Eric Johnson sums it all up.

“...reducing human lives to their names and the fact of their demise is disingenuous. When we want to honor the memory of our loved ones, we talk about them, not just their deaths.”

Today is the one year memorial of Ronald Reagan's death. One of the greatest Presidents of our country, he is missed and loved by many.

Jackson Trial
After 14 weeks, the Michael Jackson case is finally being handed over to the jury. Boiled down, the question before them is simple – who's weirder: Jackson or the accuser's mother?

Oh, by the way...Jackson's “jury of peers” consists of eight women. I love irony.

Winners never quit, and Quitters never win. But those who never win or never quit are Losers.

That's right folks. Looks like Edwards is gonna run again.

Good Times.

Paris in the Spring
Paris Hilton is now engaged to Paris Latsis. What are the odds that two extremely rich young people who find each other and decide to get married? Only slightly lower than the odds of them staying together.